Understanding Te Taiao
Our Natural World
Te Taiao is the natural world that contains and surrounds us — the land, water, climate and living beings. It refers to the interconnection of people and nature. Ko au Te Taiao, ko Te Taiao ko au (I am nature, and nature is me). It’s an eternal relationship of respect, reciprocity and interdependence.

This worldview is inherent to Māori, but we all share this connection with Te Taiao in our own way. We know that when nature thrives, so too do our people, communities and businesses. Our shared understanding of Te Taiao unites and guides us as we forge a new way forward for Aotearoa New Zealand’s food and fibres sector. We call this pathway Taiao Ora so that the mauri of Te Taiao remains at the centre of everything we do.
Tai: The horizon where heaven and earth meet
Ao: The world around, above and below us
Tai Ao: The natural world that contains and surrounds us
Ora: To be alive and well
Taiao Ora: The wellbeing of our natural world

Our responsibility to Te Taiao
Today, Te Taiao is under unprecedented pressure. The natural world is out of balance. We have all seen the signs. The land and waters that have supported us for generations urgently need our support today. As kaitiaki and beneficiaries of Te Taiao, it’s our responsibility to act in a way that gives life and restores balance. Because when Te Taiao is healthy, we are healthy. By taking care of the natural world, we are taking care of our people, our communities, and our businesses both now and into the future.